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Liturgical Music for your Church Wedding
(Please choose 1 song for everyone to walk down the aisle or one song for bridesmaids and one for bride)
Trumpet Voluntary Purcell/Clarke
Le Rondeau Mouret
Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring Bach
Air on G String Bach
Canon In D Pachelbel
Reading 1
Responsorial Psalm: Blest are Those Who Love You Haugen
Reading 2
Presentation of Gifts:
The Gift of Love Hopson
Prayer of St. Francis
Amazing Grace
Mass of Creation
Behold the Lamb
One Bread, One Body
Panis Angelicus
(or any of your favorite communion hymns)
Sign of Peace (If giving flowers to the parents)
General Instrumental music
Irish Blessing
Unity Candle/Sand
Offering of Flowers to the Blessed Mother:
Ave Maria Schubert
Wedding March Mendelssohn
Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee Beethoven
All Creatures of Our God and King Lasst Uns Erfreun
The Heavens Declare Marcelo
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